Starting correctly is the first step to the success of your project

To  ensure the smooth and efficient start of offshore operations, the preparation  and validation of IT and telecom infrastructure are essential. After all,  time is a valuable resource, and starting operations without delays is  essential for the financial health of any company in the offshore sector.
With  extensive experience in commissioning vessels for large oil companies such as Petrobras, Infraops ensures that all project adequacy requirements are meticulously met. For this, we have a methodology that establishes clear communication with aligned expectations, which is crucial for the quick acceptance of vessels.

Our  specialized technical team, with a dedicated manager for each project, guarantees not only precision in technical execution but also effective communication management between the oil company's IT department and the  vessel's responsible parties.

Ensure your business operates efficiently and without setbacks

With  Infraops, your company has a partner that deeply understands the sector and  is ready to carry out IT and Telecom commissioning for your vessel, ensuring  that your operation starts as quickly as possible and with maximum  efficiency.

In  addition to preparing the environment and generating all documentation, we  accompany the oil company's representatives throughout the commissioning and acceptance process. Our participation in the final acceptance of vessels  guarantees that every detail has been considered and validated, ensuring that  your vessel is ready to operate according to the highest standards of  efficiency and safety.

Reduction of Vessel Acceptance Time

Effective management and fluent communication to accelerate the acceptance process. Start operations quickly, without costly delays, and optimizing ROI.

Reduction of

Ensure that all suitability requirements are met from the start, minimizing non-compliance, with a smoother and seamless acceptance process. Reduce rework and associated expenses.

Stability of
IT environment

Ensure that IT and telecom infrastructure meets technical requirements and operates with maximum stability. Avoid critical failures that can impact operations and ensure continuity and reliability.

Expectation Alignment and Efficient Communication

Our team is clear and effective in avoiding misunderstandings and last-minute adjustments for a faster and smoother acceptance process.

The meticulous preparation and the generation of all documents

Facilitate the commissioning process and provide a solid basis for future audits and maintenance, ensuring compliance and ease of management in the long term.

See also


Você sabe o que é NOC, ITOC ou Centro de Comando e Controle?

Antes de falarmos sobre o NOC em si, precisamos falar sobre o Centro de Comando e Controle (CCC) ou Centro de Operações.

Modbus – Monitoramento Industrial

O protocolo Modbus é uma das principais formas de comunicação utilizadas em equipamentos industriais e IOT.

Qual a melhor ferramenta de monitoramento?

Existem vários sistemas de monitoramento disponíveis no mercado, cada um com suas próprias características e recursos.