IT support

Discover a smart way to provide IT support

Infraops has created a unique model to manage your computers, servers, and network. You only pay when your environment is stable, optimizing investments and  ensuring the security of your operation.

With a fixed price per managed device (desktop, server, or network), our goal is to work on failure prevention to make your equipment more efficient, which is  synonymous with profit for any business.
More availability and performance for your teams

Our Service Desk is certified and offers unlimited remote and on-site support, 24-hour monitoring, PC, server, and network management. We ensure your  environment is updated, with online antivirus and up-to-date backups. As an option, we offer cloud backup, antivirus, and firewall fully managed by  Infraops.

100% updated hardware and software inventory

We present a monthly report on the health of your environment. You will also have the support of a specialist to specify and ensure that you are making the best purchase of your IT equipment. All these services are included in a fixed monthly price package, with no surprises in the monthly fee.

Reducing Operational Interruptions

With our proactive support and continuous monitoring, we guarantee fewer interruptions  in work processes. This increases productivity, allowing teams to focus on  their tasks without worries about technical failures.

Enhanced IT Asset Control

We offer a complete and updated inventory of all IT assets, allowing strict control  over hardware and software. This facilitates resource management and helps in  compliance with internal and external policies and standards.

Improved Equipment Efficiency

Our commitment to preventive maintenance ensures that IT equipment operates at peak efficiency. By avoiding failures and optimizing performance, we contribute to the reduction of operating and maintenance costs.

Constant Security and Updates

We ensure that the IT environment is always secure and updated, implementing online antivirus and regular backups. Updates are managed to minimize the impact on operational performance, ensuring data integrity and availability.

Specialized and Accessible Support

Our clients have access to unlimited technical support, both remote and on-site, guaranteed by certified specialists. This ensures that any incident is resolved quickly and effectively, minimizing potential damage.

Flexibility and Financial Predictability

With a billing model based on a fixed price per device, our clients can predict  monthly costs without surprises. This facilitates financial planning and IT budget allocation.

Detailed Reports and Transparency

We provide detailed monthly reports on the health of the IT environment, providing a clear view of performance and improvement points. This enables more informed and strategic decision-making by managers.

Consulting for Better Purchasing Decisions

We assist our clients in their IT equipment purchasing decisions, ensuring that acquisitions are the most suitable for the company's needs and objectives.

See also


Você sabe o que é NOC, ITOC ou Centro de Comando e Controle?

Antes de falarmos sobre o NOC em si, precisamos falar sobre o Centro de Comando e Controle (CCC) ou Centro de Operações.

Modbus – Monitoramento Industrial

O protocolo Modbus é uma das principais formas de comunicação utilizadas em equipamentos industriais e IOT.

Qual a melhor ferramenta de monitoramento?

Existem vários sistemas de monitoramento disponíveis no mercado, cada um com suas próprias características e recursos.