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Data Monitoring: The Key to Meeting Regulatory Requirements in the Oil and Gas Industry.

With the increasing number of regulations in the oil and gas industry, companies operating in this market need to have efficient processes for data collection, storage, and transmission. One way to ensure compliance with these requirements is through data monitoring.

Data monitoring is a practice that involves the use of sensors to collect information about the performance of equipment and industrial processes. This enables the identification of failures, prevention of disruptions in the production process, and ensuring the quality of the final products.

In the oil and gas sector, data monitoring is especially important because companies need to comply with a series of regulations imposed by regulatory agencies such as the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas, and Biofuels (ANP). These regulations establish standards for the collection, storage, and transmission of data related to oil and gas production.

One of the solutions offered by InfraOPS is the monitoring of flow computers, which allows for the automatic transmission of data to ANP through an XML file. This process streamlines the generation and transmission of data, reducing the time required for report preparation.

Additionally, InfraOPS offers a range of sensors to monitor the industrial environment, such as the MQTT Roundtrip Sensor, Modbus TCP Custom Sensor, and OPC UA Custom Sensor. These sensors enable real-time monitoring of critical equipment and processes, ensuring the rapid detection of failures and the implementation of measures to prevent production interruptions.

With data monitoring, companies in the oil and gas industry can ensure compliance with regulations imposed by regulatory agencies while obtaining a range of benefits, such as reduced maintenance costs and maximized production process efficiency. InfraOPS offers comprehensive and customizable solutions to meet the specific needs of each client, guaranteeing the quality and reliability of the collected data. Contact us and request a presentation.